Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

FGD Expo 2009 and Pecha Kucha Jakarta

Sunday I went to FGD Expo and attended the Pecha Kucha workshop CreatiCity – Kreativitas para pekerja industri kreatif di ibukota. The speakers probably only get about 10 minutes, which was good since they had like 10 speakers and they really got their beliefs and points squeezed in pretty well.

I met Purwanto the owner of, Indonesian version of youtube. Hopefully we can work something out with them. Met many interesting people.

Nothing was interesting about the FGD though, mostly printing companies or companies selling printing machines. Sigh.. more waste. I like Paperina and its green theme, but I'm not sure if this means they are producing more recycled paper though.

IYEC First Offline Gathering

Saturday was IYEC first offline gathering. IYEC (Indonesian Young Executives Community) is a facebook group for young executives to learn and share with each other about being a young leader in a company. The group was started by Billy Boen and Antonny Liem, who was my ex-boss, this is how i know about the group.

I joined IYEC few months ago because I felt like i will learn a lot from the group. And another hidden agenda is to meet other young executives (read: a person high enough to make decision or influence a decision maker in a company hehe) and tell them about how Urbanesia can promote their companies with a 'low budget but high impact' effect. Plus, all the people there are Facebook users so a web like Urbanesia won't be too hard for them to use.

Pak Liem asked if Urbanesia wants to be the host of IYEC's next gathering. We would love to! I just need to work on prop to visualize Urbanesia and stuffs like business profile to people on a conversation though, it will make my life so much easier :p Not just for this event but for every selling opportunity!