Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

IYEC First Offline Gathering

Saturday was IYEC first offline gathering. IYEC (Indonesian Young Executives Community) is a facebook group for young executives to learn and share with each other about being a young leader in a company. The group was started by Billy Boen and Antonny Liem, who was my ex-boss, this is how i know about the group.

I joined IYEC few months ago because I felt like i will learn a lot from the group. And another hidden agenda is to meet other young executives (read: a person high enough to make decision or influence a decision maker in a company hehe) and tell them about how Urbanesia can promote their companies with a 'low budget but high impact' effect. Plus, all the people there are Facebook users so a web like Urbanesia won't be too hard for them to use.

Pak Liem asked if Urbanesia wants to be the host of IYEC's next gathering. We would love to! I just need to work on prop to visualize Urbanesia and stuffs like business profile to people on a conversation though, it will make my life so much easier :p Not just for this event but for every selling opportunity!

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